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Oficiul Naţional al Burselor de Studii în Străinătate
Oficiul Naţional al Burselor de Studii în Străinătate a fost înfiinţat prin Ordinul Ministrului Educaţiei Naţionale Nr. 3008/05.01.1998.
Cadrul Legislativ
Este stabilit prin Hotărârea Guvernului României Nr. 997/31.12.1998 pentru înfiinţarea Oficiului Naţional al Burselor de Studii în Străinătate (ONBSS) s-a hotărât înfiinţarea ONBSS, instituţie publică cu personalitate juridică, ca organ de specialitate în subordinea Ministerului Educaţiei Cercetării şi Tineretului.
Scopul ONBSS
gestionarea tuturor burselor pentru stagii de studii şi de specializare/cercetare în străinătate aflate în subordinea MECT;
fiecare bursă se acordă numai prin concurs organizat la nivel naţional de către ONBSS;
trecerea acordării acestor burse în competenţa exclusivă a unui Consiliu Naţional.
Organizarea ONBSS
Membrii consiliului ONBSS sunt profesori universitari numiţi prin Ordin al Ministrului. Consiliul coordonează activitatea ONBSS.
15 angajaţi permanenţi ai ONBSS.
Obiectivele ONBSS
perfecţionarea sistemului de organizare a ONBSS pentru a asigura facilitarea accesului elevilor, studenţilor şi cadrelor didactice la bursele de studii oferite Ministerului Educaţiei Cercetării şi Tineretului de către: Guvernul Romaniei, autorităţi publice, fundaţii, donatori (persoane fizice şi juridice), de diferite state în cadrul acordurilor de colaborare bilaterală, precum şi la bursele provenite din programe guvernamentale şi internaţionale;
sporirea numărului de burse administrate de MECT şi diversificarea lor.
Atribuţiile ONBSS
anunţă toate bursele aflate în administrarea MECT prin Serviciul Relaţii Internaţionale (Protocol) de la Rectoratul fiecărei instituţii de învăţământ superior acreditate, prin Inspectoratele Şcolare Judeţene şi prin mass media;
gestionează dosarele de candidatură înregistrate la Registratura MECT;
organizeză activitatea de evaluare a dosarelor de candidatură, de către specialişti - personalităţi în domeniile de ştiinţă/artă, pe bază de baremuri unice, în condiţii de confidenţialitate;
anunţă rezultatele concursurilor;
transmite dosarele concurenţilor nominalizaţi pentru fiecare bursă, în ţările în care vor efectua stagiul, prin ambasadele ţărilor respective la Bucureşti sau prin MAE. http://www.burse.edu.ro/lansare.html
Oficiul Naţional al Burselor de Studii în Străinătate vă aduce la cunoştinţă următoarea ofertă de burse:
Agenţia universitară a Francofoniei (L’Agence universitaire de la Francofonie), prin Biroul Europei Centrale şi Orientale (Bureau Europe Centrale et Orientale), anunţă pentru anul universitar 2005-2006 următoarele categorii de burse de mobilităţi francofone :
1)      Formare iniţială (Mobilităţi studenţeşti)
2)      Formare în cercetare (Mobilităţi doctorale)
3)      Perfecţionare în cercetare postdoctorală (Mobilităţi academice)
Toate mobilităţile se derulează între universităţile membre ale Agenţiei universitare a Francofoniei.
Dosarele de candidatură trebuie să cuprindă următoarele documente:
• fişa cu date personale corect completată şi semnată
• formular de solicitare a bursei, corect completat
• curriculum vitae actualizat
• o copie a dosarului de şcolarizare care să cuprindă cel puţin foile matricole cu notele obţinute în ultimii doi ani
• o copie a ultimei diplome obţinute
• acordul din partea instituţiei unde lucrează, care să aprobe programul de studii proiectat sau dorit la instituţia primitoare
• adeverinţă de student/doctorand/angajat pentru anul în curs
• adeverinţă de accept emisă de partea primitoare (secretariat sau serviciul de relaţii internaţionale sau registratura pentru Canada).
Toate documentele din dosarul de candidatură se depun în limba franceză.
Prezentarea tipurilor de burse, fişa personală, formularele de solicitare a bursei, regulamentele de acordare a burselor, listele de coduri precum şi alte informaţii suplimentare pot fi obţinute accesând site-ul: http://www.auf.org/programmes/programme6.
Dosarele se primesc până la data de 14 ianuarie 2005, la Biroul Europei Centrale şi Orientale cu sediul în Bucureşti, strada Schitu Măgureanu nr. 1,
-tel.: +40 21 312 12 76,
-fax: +40 21 312 16 66,
Mihaela Costache
Vă aducem la cunoştinţă următoarea ofertă de burse pentru anul universitar 2005-2006:
Oferta CIMO (The Centre for International Mobility) pentru anul universitar 2005-2006, şi anume:
·               20-23 luni-bursă pentru studii postuniversitare fracţionabile în perioade de 3-9 luni
Condiţii de participare:
1.      Să prezinte scrisoarea de confirmare a primirii la studii / invitaţie din partea unei instituţii din Finlanda;
2.      Să fie student în an terminal la studii aprofundate/master sau absolvent de studii aprofundate/master 2004;
3.      Să prezinte atestat de cunoaştere a limbii finlandeze, suedeze sau engleze;
4.      Să nu fi studiat în Finlanda mai mult de un an înainte de anul universitar 2005-2006.
Termenul de depunere a dosarelor complete de candidatură, conform dosarelor de candidatură în acord bilateral, la Registratura Ministerului Educaţiei şi Cercetării este 10.01.2005.
Informaţii suplimentare la: www.burse.edu.ro şi www.cimo.fi
Ministerul Afacerilor Externe al Spaniei, prin Agenţia Spaniolă pentru Cooperare Internaţională (AECI), lansează concursul pentru acordarea de burse de studii pentru anul academic 2005-2006. Informaţii se obţin accesând site-ul www.becasmae.es
Înscrierile se pot face on-line la adresa www.becasmae.es , până la data de 31.12.2004.
Vă aducem la cunoştinţă următoarea ofertă de burse pentru anul universitar 2004-2005:
Ø      Azerbaidjan
Oferta de burse de studii a Ministerului Învăţământului din Republica Azerbaidjan pentru anul universitar 2004-2005, în cadrul programului bilateral de colaborare în domeniul învăţământului, şi anume:
·           3 burse pentru studii universitare complete sau studii postuniversitare
·           2 burse pentru studii de doctorat
·           30 luni/bursă pentru stagii de specializare ştiinţifică, fracţionabile pe o durată de 3-9 luni/persoană
Pentru studii universitare complete, postuniversitare sau de doctorat, persoanele care nu cunosc limba statului primitor, vor fi înscrise la cursuri pregătitoare de limbă, forma fără plată.
Pentru stagii de specializare se solicită cunoşterea limbii azere sau a unei limbi de circulaţie internaţională: engleză, franceză, germană, rusă.
Termenul de depunere a dosarelor complete de candidatură, conform dosarelor de candidatură în acord bilateral, la Registratura Ministerului Educaţiei şi Cercetării este 15.11.2004.
Informaţii suplimentare la www.burse.edu.ro
Vă aducem la cunoştinţă următoarele oferte de burse pentru anul universitar 2005-2006:
Ø      Israel
Oferta de burse de studii a Guvernului Statului Israel pentru anul universitar 2005-2006, în cadrul programului bilateral de colaborare în domeniile educaţiei, culturii şi ştiinţei, şi anume:
·            3 burse pentru studii universitare (studenţi în ani terminali), stagii de specializare, studii postuniversitare sau de doctorat, cu durata de 8 luni fiecare
Condiţii de participare la concurs:
1.         Să aibă până în 35 de ani;
2.         Să prezinte scrisoarea oficială de confirmare a primirii la studii din partea unei instituţii din Israel;
3.         Să prezinte certificat de cunoaştere a limbii engleze sau ebraice.
Bursele se acordă cu prioritate tinerilor care prezintă proiecte de cercetare cu teme iudaice sau israeliene.
·         2 burse pentru cursuri de vară (ulpan de vară)
Termenul de depunere a dosarelor complete de candidatură, conform dosarelor de candidatură în acord bilateral, la Registratura Ministerului Educaţiei şi Cercetării este 25.11.2004.
Informaţii suplimentare la www.burse.edu.ro
Ø      Cehia
Oferta unilaterală a Guvernului Republicii Cehe pentru anul universitar 2005-2006:
·                    1 bursă de studii universitare sau postuniversitare:
-                                                  program de studiu de 3-4 ani destinat mai ales pregătirii profesionale (the Bachelor’s study programme) care se încheie cu un examen de stat în cadrul căruia, de regulă, se susţine o lucrare de absolvire şi / sau
-                                                      program de studii cu o durată standard de 4-6 ani (the Magister’s study programme), având cu precădere caracter teoretico-ştiinţific, care se încheie cu susţinerea examenului de stat şi a lucrării de diplomă. Dacă cel de-al doilea program se află în continuarea primului program durata studiilor este de 2-3 ani - pentru acest program se pot înscrie candidaţi absolvenţi de studii universitare cu diplomă de licenţă.
·       1 bursă de studii postuniversitare de doctorat cu durata standard de 3 ani. Se pot înscrie licenţiaţi cu diplomă de studii aprofundate / master sau studenţi în an terminal la studii aprofundate / master.
Studiile universitare şi postuniversitare sunt precedate de o perioadă de învăţare a limbii cehe cu durata de 2 semestre, după care candidatul urmează să susţină examenul de admitere la programul de studii la facultatea / specializarea solicitată; nu se acceptă solicitări privind transferarea la alte specializări.
Bursele sunt destinate cu prioritate în următoarele domenii de studii: tehnic, energetic, mediu ambiant, agricultură, economie, management.
Termenul de depunere a dosarelor de candidatură, conform dosarelor de candidatură în acord bilateral, (documente în limba română şi în limba cehă) la Registratura M.Ed.C. este 25.11.2004, cu menţiunea “oferta unilaterală Cehia 2005-2006” pe copertă şi în formularul tip.
Informaţii suplimentare la www.burse.edu.ro
Ø      Norvegia
Oferta Ambasadei Regale a Norvegiei pentru anul universitar 2005-2006, în cadrul programului bilateral de colaborare în domeniile culturii, educaţiei şi cercetării, şi anume:
·                18 luni-bursă pentru studii universitare parţiale sau stagii de cercetare.
Condiţii de participare:
1.       Să aibă până în 40 de ani;
2.       Să prezinte scrisoarea oficială de confirmare a primirii la studii din partea unei instituţii din Norvegia;
3.       Să prezinte certificat de cunoaştere a limbii engleze sau norvegiene.
·                2 burse pentru cursuri de vară la Universitatea din Oslo
Termenul de depunere a dosarelor complete de candidatură, conform dosarelor de candidatură în acord bilateral, la Registratura Ministerului Educaţiei şi Cercetării este 10.01.2005.
Informaţii suplimentare la www.burse.edu.ro
Ø      Suedia
Oferta de burse de studii a Institutului Suedez în cadrul Programului “Guest Scholarships for Advanced Academic Studies or Research in Sweden 2005/06”, şi anume:
·                burse pentru studii postuniversitare – master, stagii de cercetare sau studii postdoctorale
Durata maximă a studiilor este de 3 ani. În general, stagiile au o durată de 9 luni.
Bursele se acordă pentru toate domeniile de studii, cu excepţia limbii suedeze.
Condiţii de participare:
1.       Să nu fie rezident permanent în Suedia, să nu aibe permis de muncă şi să nu fi locuit în Suedia mai mult de doi ani înainte de anul universitar 2005-2006;
2.       Să prezinte scrisoarea oficială de confirmare a primirii la studii din partea unei instituţii din Suedia;
3.       Să prezinte certificat de cunoaştere a limbii engleze şi/sau suedeze.
Informaţii privind conţinutul dosarelor de candidatură şi formulare de înscriere se obţin la website: www.studyinsweden.se
Pentru stagii de cercetare sau studii postdoctorale dosarele de candidatură se transmit la:
Swedish Institute
Box 7434
SE – 103 91 Stockholm, SWEDEN
Fax + 46 8 20 72 48
Website: www.si.se
Pentru studii postuniversitare – master (Master’s Level Programme) dosarele de candidatură se transmit direct la universităţile care confirmă primirea la studii.
Oficiul Naţional al Burselor de Studii în Străinătate vă aduce la cunoştinţă următoarea ofertă de burse a Ministerului de Externe Britanic (FCO):
Ministerul de Externe Britanic finanţează un program de burse care permite celor interesaţi să participe la un curs de Studii Europene, pe o durată de 3 luni. Cursul este deschis unui număr de 5 tineri experţi sau diplomaţi români implicaţi în problemele Uniunii Europene.
Cursul va începe în ianuarie 2005 şi se va termina în luna martie 2005.
Toate cheltuielile (taxe de studiu, cheltuielile de transport internaţional dus-întors, cazare şi masă ) vor fi achitate din fondurile puse la dispoziţie de Ministerul de Externe Britanic (FCO).
Condiţii de înscriere:
-          să deţină, la data depunerii candidaturii, un titlu universitar(master sau echivalent) şi să fie pregătiţi să- şi înceapă studiile în luna ianuarie a anului următor,
-          să demonstreze cunoaşterea limbii engleze la un nivel înalt (nota la examenul IELTS: minimum 6,5)
-          să aibă până în 35 de ani, la data depunerii candidaturii
Formularele de înscriere pot fi obţinute direct de la Consiliul Britanic sau de pe website: www.britishcouncil.ro
Data limită pentru depunerea dosarelor de candidatură la British Council este vineri 22 octombrie 2004, la adresa Calea Dorobanţilor nr.14, sector 1, Bucureşti, cod 010572.
Pentru informaţii suplimentare, cei interesaţi sunt rugaţi să contacteze pe domnul Vlad Pavlovici, coordonator program burse, la Consiliul Britanic, la telefon (021) 307 96 31 sau pe e-mail: vlad.pavlovici@britishcouncil.ro
Mihaela Costache
Nr. 38931/953/08.10.2004
Oficiul Naţional al Burselor de Studii în Străinătate vă aduce la cunoştinţă următoarea ofertă de burse:
Agenţia universitară a Francofoniei (L’Agence universitaire de la Francofonie), prin Biroul Europei Centrale şi Orientale (Bureau Europe Centrale et Orientale), anunţă pentru anul universitar 2005-2006 următoarele categorii de burse de mobilităţi francofone :
1)      Formare iniţială (Mobilităţi studenţeşti)
2)      Formare în cercetare (Mobilităţi doctorale)
3)      Perfecţionare în cercetare postdoctorală (Mobilităţi academice)
Toate mobilităţile se derulează între universităţile membre ale Agenţiei universitare a Francofoniei.
Dosarele de candidatură trebuie să cuprindă următoarele documente:
• fişa cu date personale corect completată şi semnată
• formular de solicitare a bursei, corect completat
• curriculum vitae actualizat
• o copie a dosarului de şcolarizare care să cuprindă cel puţin foile matricole cu notele obţinute în ultimii doi ani
• o copie a ultimei diplome obţinute
• acordul din partea instituţiei unde lucrează, care să aprobe programul de studii proiectat sau dorit la instituţia primitoare
• adeverinţă de student/doctorand/angajat pentru anul în curs
• adeverinţă de accept emisă de partea primitoare (secretariat sau serviciul de relaţii internaţionale sau registratura pentru Canada).
Toate documentele din dosarul de candidatură se depun în limba franceză.
Prezentarea tipurilor de burse, fişa personală, formularele de solicitare a bursei, regulamentele de acordare a burselor, listele de coduri precum şi alte informaţii suplimentare pot fi obţinute accesând site-ul: http://www.auf.org/programmes/programme6.
Dosarele se primesc până la data de 14 ianuarie 2005, la Biroul Europei Centrale şi Orientale cu sediul în Bucureşti, strada Schitu Măgureanu nr. 1,
-tel.: +40 21 312 12 76,
-fax: +40 21 312 16 66,
Mihaela Costache
Oficiul Naţional al Burselor de Studii în Străinătate vă aduce la cunoştinţă
Oferta Serviciului German de Schimburi Academice (DAAD) pentru anul universitar 2005-2006, şi anume:
1.      Burse de cercetare pentru doctoranzi şi tineri cercetători, cu o durată de până la 6 luni inclusiv: cotă nespecificată
2.      Burse de cercetare pentru doctoranzi şi tineri cercetători cu o durată de peste 6 luni: cotă nespecificată
3.      Burse de studii pentru absolvenţi ai tuturor facultăţilor cu profil ştiinţific: cotă nespecificată
4.      Invitaţii reînnoite pentru foşti bursieri cu burse anuale: cotă nespecificată
Termenul limită de depunere a actelor: 15.11.2004
5.      Burse de studii pentru artişti: cotă nespecificată
6.      Burse pentru lucrarea de diplomă pentru studenţii de la germanistică: maximum 5
Termenul limită de depunere a actelor: 15.01.2005
7.      Burse pentru cursuri universitare de vară ce se alocă studenţilor avansaţi: maximum 60
Termenul limită de depunere a actelor: 15.01.2005
8.      Călătorii de studii ale unor grupe de studenţi străini în Germania: cotă nespecificată
Termenul limită de depunere a actelor la DAAD: 15.08.2004, 15.11.2004, 15.02.2005, 15.05.2005
9.      Locuri pentru efectuarea practicii, alocate prin Comitetul Naţional IAESTE studenţilor străini de la facultăţile de ştiinţe ale naturii şi inginerie precum şi de ştiinţe agricole şi silvicultură
10.  Programul special ERP pentru studenţii de la ştiinţe economice: maximum 10
Termenul limită de depunere a actelor: 15.01.2005
11.  Burse de studiu Mummert pentru efectuarea lucrării de diplomă, alocate studenţilor de la facultăţile de ştiinţe economice şi inginerie: cotă nespecificată
12.  Program de master DAAD/Siemens pentru tineri ingineri din Europa Centrală şi de Est: cotă nespecificată.
În măsura în care nu se precizează altceva, termenul de depunere a candidaturilor la Ambasada Republicii Federale Germania este 31.10.2004
Informaţii privind procedura şi actele necesare pentru burse se pot obţine la Centrul de Informaţii şi Consultanţă (IC) al DAAD în România, domnul Reimar Muller, Intrarea Amzei 1, 010346 Bucuerşti, Tel/Fax: 021 3101540, e-mail: info@daad.ro precum şi la lectorii DAAD din România.
Actele necesare pentru bursă nu se pot trimite direct la DAAD. Cererile şi documentele necesare se depun numai la Secţia culturală a Ambasadei Republicii Federale Germania la Bucureşti, Str. cpt.av. Gheorghe Demetriade 6-8, 011849 Bucureşti.
Actele care vor sosi la Ambasadă după această dată sau care nu sunt complete nu vor putea fi luate în considerare.

Nr 738/03.09.2004

Oficiul Naţional al Burselor de Studii în Străinătate vă aduce la cunoştinţă următoarea ofertă de burse:
Confederaţia Elveţiană acordă la propunerea Comisiei federale de burse pentru studenţii străini în anul universitar 2005-2006:
·        2 burse de studii postuniversitare, oferite în principiu pe bază de reciprocitate
·        o bursă de studii postuniversitare în domeniul artistic
Condiţii de participare:
-         limită de vrstă 35 ani (data naşterii să nu depăşească 1 ianuarie 1970);
-         cunoaşterea limbii franceze sau germane n funcţie de universitatea pentru care vor opta
-         scrisoare de accept pentru efectuarea stagiului la o universitate unde doreşte să studieze n Elveţia
Formularele de înscriere şi de certificat medical se pot ridica de la sediul O.N.B.S.S.
Informaţii privind întocmirea dosarelor de candidatură se obţin accesând site-ul www.burse.edu.ro
Dosarele de candidatură se depun personal sau prin poştă la Registratura M.Ed.C din strada Spiru Haret nr.12, sector 1, Bucureşti până la termenul limită : 15 noiembrie 2004.
Mihaela Costache
Vă aducem la cunoştinţă următoarea ofertă de burse pentru anul universitar 2004-2005:
·          1 bursă de studii postuniversitare oferită de Ministerul de Stat Bavarez pentru Ştiinţă, Cercetare şi Artă în cadrul Programului de studii pentru absolvenţii învăţământului superior din ţările central-, est- şi sud-est-europene pentru anul universitar 2004-2005.
Bursa anuală plătibilă în 12 rate lunare este de 7440 Euro. Aceasta poate fi sporită cu o indemnizaţie de 1920 Euro pentru familie, până la nivelul de 9360 Euro, în cazul în care bursierul este căsătorit, soţia/soţul său nu lucrează şi are în întreţinere cel puţin un copil.
Durata bursei este de un an de învăţământ şi poate fi prelungită până la o durată totală de 3 ani în cazul în care bursierul se califică la următoarea selecţie.
Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cercetării prin ONBSS asigură cheltuielile de transport internaţional până la locul de stagiu şi retur, o singură dată într-un an universitar.
Condiţii de participare la concurs:
- cetăţenie română;
- domiciliul stabil în România;
- vârsta maximă 30 de ani;
- certificat de cunoaştere a limbii germane.
Se pot înscrie la concurs:
-          studenţi în an terminal la universităţi acreditate;
-          absolvenţi promoţia 2003, cu diplomă de licenţă sau echivalentă, respectiv, cu diplomă de studii aprofundate / masterat;
-          studenţi la programe master / studii aprofundate;
-          doctoranzi cu frecvenţă;
-          cadre didactice titulare ;
-          cercetători din institute de cercetare aflate în subordinea M.Ed.C.
Termenul limită de depunere a dosarelor complete de candidatură, conform dosarelor de candidatură în acord bilateral, (documente în limba română şi în limba germană), la Registratura M.Ed.C.: 13.08.2004.
Informaţii suplimentare la www.burse.edu.ro
Nr. 35417/658/06.08.2004
Oficiul Naţional al Burselor de Studii în Străinătate vă aduce la cunoştinţă bursele de cercetare „Ihsan Dogramaci International Relations For Peace Fellowship” oferite de Turkish Foreign Policy Institute din Ankara.
Cuantumul bursei este de 20.000 USD, împărţit în trei tranşe egale.
Termenul limită pentru depunerea candidaturii la Turkish Foreign Policy Institute din Ankara este 30 noiembrie 2004.
Informaţii suplimentare privind documentele necesare candidaturii se pot obţine la următoarea adresă:
Turkish Foreign Policy Institute
Bilkent University, East Campus, 06533 Ankara – TURKEY
Tel: +90 312 266 28 69
Fax: +90 312 266 28 71
E –mail: fpi@foreignpolicy.org.tr
Web- site : http://www.foreignpolicy.org.tr


Cu stima,
Marian Stancu
Tel/Fax: 021 / 314.53.16
Mobil: 0723.949.218
e-mail: marian.stancu@stargroup.ro
Oficiul National al Burselor de Studii in Strainatate
- str. Spiru Haret 12, 010176 Bucuresti, sector 1
cod fiscal :11 37 02 03
- telefon: 021- 310 19 05
- fax:      021- 310 19 05

- e-mail: onbss@mec.edu.ro

informatiile e posibil sa fie cam vechi; a se vedea si site-urile erasmus si socrates
ERASMUS este parte a programului comunitar in educatie SOCRATES si cuprinde actiuni destinate cooperarii europene in domeniul invatamantului superior. Prin ERASMUS este sprijinita dezvoltarea domensiunii europene a studiilor universitare si postuniversitare, programul acoperind toate disciplinele si domeniile de studiu.
Structura programului ERASMUS este urmatoarea:
Actiunea 1 - Cooperare europeana inter-universitara;
Actiunea 2 - Granturi de mobilitate pentru studenti (SM) si cadre didactice (TS), organizarea mobilitatilor (OM) si sistemul european de credite transferabile (ECTS)
Actiunea 3 - Retele tematice.
Scurta prezentare a actiunilor ERASMUS. Detalii referitoare la fiecare dintre actiunile de mai jos pot fi gasite in cadrul Ghidului Erasmus (vezi atach-varianta 2003)
ERASMUS Actiunea 1 : Cooperare europeana inter-universitara
Tipurile de activitati pentru care se poate solicita finantare in cadrul acestei Actiuni sunt urmatoarele:
Proiecte pentru dezvoltarea de curriculum (CD - Curriculum Development Projects)
Programe intensive (ip – Intensive Programmes)
ERASMUS 2 : Granturi de mobilitate pentru studenti si cadre didactice, Organizarea Mobilitatilor si Sistemul European de Credite Academice Transferabile
Granturi de mobilitate pentru studenti (SM)
Intrucat finantarea acordata in cadrul programului ERASMUS Actiunea 2 de catre Comisia Europeana acopera doar partial costurile aferente mobilitatii, ea trebuie suplimentata prin alte contributii. Finantarea complementara poate fi obtinuta dintr-o varietate de surse, din interiorul sau exteriorul universitatii, din surse nationale sau regionale, publice sau private.
ILPC (Intensive Language Preparation Courses)
In cadrul Actiunii 2, un numar de universitati selectate de catre Agentiile Nationale Socrates organizeaza cursuri intensive de invatare a limbilor europene, destinate studentilor ERASMUS care urmeaza sa efectueze un stagiu de mobilitate in tarile respective. Cursurile ILPC se adreseaza studentilor selectati pentru mobilitati ERASMUS in anul academic urmator.
Incepand cu anul 2001, Agentia Nationala SOCRATES a initiat un proiect de tip PHARE, pentru suplimentarea granturilor tuturor studentilor ERASMUS , proiect denumit "PHARE END USER SUPPORT. " In acest fel, TOTI studentii selectati pentru a participa la o mobilitate ERASMUS vor beneficia de suplimentarea grantului ERASMUS cu fonduri PHARE.
Granturi de mobilitate pentru cadre didactice (TS)
o Se acorda pentru efectuarea unor stagii de predare intr-o universitate partenera dintr-o tara membra U.E.;
o Durata unui stagiu de predare este de minim 1 saptamana (sau 8 ore de curs) si maxim un semestru (6 luni);
o Programul cursurilor predate de profesori este stabilit de universitatile partenere (universitatea de origine si universitatea gazda).
Organizarea mobilitatii (OM) si Sistemul european de credite academice transferabile (ECTS)
1 . Organizarea mobilitatii (OM)
Incepand cu anul academic 2003/2004 alocarea fondurilor OM se face descentralizat, prin Agentia Nationala SOCRATES.
2. Sistemul european de credite academice transferabile (ECTS)
Prin aceasta actiune se acorda prioritate universitatilor care nu au mai primit sprijin comunitar pentru implementarea ECTS in nici unul dintre departamentele lor si celor care se angajeaza sa introduca ECTS intr-un numar cat mai mare de domenii de studiu.
Universitatile trebuie sa realizeze un pachet informativ („information package"), in care isi prezinta departamentele, modulele de curs si unitatile de credit alocate fiecarui modul de curs. Daca initial ECTS reprezenta doar un transfer de credite, acum este perceput ca un sistem de acumulare in vederea implementarii la nivel institutional, regional, national si European. Acesta este unul din obiectivele fundamentale ale "Declaratiei de la Bologna" din iunie 1999.
ERASMUS 3: Retele tematice
Obiectivul principal al proiectelor de retele tematice il reprezinta definirea si dezvoltarea dimensiunii europene in cadrul unei discipline academice specifice sau in alte domenii de interes comun (managementul universitar, asigurarea calitatii, etc.), gratie cooperarii intre facultati sau departamente si asociatii universitare si/sau profesionale.
La un proiect de retea tematica trebuie sa participe institutii din toate tarile participante la programul SOCRATES, iar eventualele exceptii trebuie justificate.
Este un program nou, prevazut a se desfasura in perioada 2004-2008, care are ca scop cresterea competitivitatii invatamantului superior european si sporirea atractivitatii sale in randul profesorilor si studentilor din afara granitelor Europei.
Materiale de informare
Ghidul candidatului Socrates (in engleza) (in atach-varianta 2001)
Instructiuni de completare a Erasmus University Charter (in atach)
Formulare de candidatura:
Candidatura pentru Erasmus University Charter (engleza, franceza)
Formular de acord bilateral (engleza, franceza). 
Detalii privind tipurile de activitati ale programului ERASMUS, inclusiv privind procedurile de candidatura si finantare, documentatie, formulare etc, pot fi obtinute de la sediul Agentiei Nationale SOCRATES
Madlena NEN - Coordonator Erasmus (Madlena.Nen@socrates.ro),
Valentina NEG - Responsabil TS & Phare (Valentina.Neg@socrates.ro)
Site-uri de interes
Ministerul Educatiei Nationale
Site-ul Socrates al Comisiei Europene
Site-ul Biroului de Asistenta Tehnica Socrates & Youth
Centrul de informare al Comisiei Europene in Romania
Informatii oferite de Agentia Socrates Romania - Pentru mai multe detalii va invitam sa vizitati http://www.socrates.ro

Cu stima,
Marian Stancu
Tel/Fax: 021 / 314.53.16
Mobil: 0723.949.218
e-mail: marian.stancu@stargroup.ro

Cu stima,
Marian Stancu
The SOCRATES programme is addressed to a wide range of people and institutions at all levels of education (see section 3.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants). In order to identify those Actions which are relevant to you, please refer to the following information:
In most cases, individuals (students, teachers, etc.) may only take part in the programme through their home institution, though there are exceptions to this (e.g. Comenius Language Assistants).
Pupils and school students (from pre-primary to secondary school) may :
take part in projects carried out by their schools (Comenius 1)
travel abroad to help prepare a Comenius 1 project, or participate in a pupil exchange (Comenius Language Projects) or in a transnational project meeting (Comenius School Projects and Comenius School Development Projects)
University students may :
undertake an organised period of studies abroad for between 3 and 12 months (Erasmus 2) and/or benefit from the European Credit Transfer System for academic recognition ECTS (Erasmus1)
take part the European activities of their university, e.g. European Modules, Intensive Programmes (Erasmus 1)
take part in other projects carried out by their university (Grundtvig, Lingua, Minerva)
take part in projects carried out by student associations (Accompanying Measures)
Student teachers (in addition to all activities available to university students in general) may:
undertake supervised study and/or practical training abroad for between 1 and 10 weeks (Comenius 2) 
take part in a project carried out by their initial teacher training institution (Comenius 2)
Future teachers of foreign languages (in addition to all activities available to student teachers in general) may:
spend 3 – 8 months abroad as a Comenius Language Assistant hosted by a foreign school or adult education institution (Comenius 2)
Adult learners may :
take part in Grundtvig activities within a co-operation project (Grundtvig 1) or a learning partnership (Grundtvig 2)
School teachers (from pre-primary to secondary school) may:
co-ordinate or take part in a Comenius School Project, a Comenius Language Project or a Comenius School Development Project (Comenius 1)
be part of a team developing in-service training courses, teacher training materials or other pedagogical materials for school education (Comenius 2)
receive an individual training grant to attend an in-service training course abroad (Comenius 2)
be part of a team working on projects relating to languages (Lingua 1, Lingua 2) or the use of new technologies in education (Minerva)
Teachers of languages (in addition to all activities available to school teachers in general) may:
supervise a Comenius Language Assistant hosted by their school (Comenius 2)
University teachers may, through the Institutional Contract of their university:
carry out teaching assignment at a university abroad (Erasmus 2)
help design and develop a new curriculum (from initial to post-graduate level),
a European module or an intensive programme with partners from other countries (Erasmus 1)
introduce in their university/faculty/department the European credit transfer system ECTS for the recognition of periods of study abroad (Erasmus 1)
negotiate exchanges for their students with partner universities abroad (Erasmus 1)
co-ordinate or be a partner in a pan-European Thematic Network concerned with a specific discipline or interdisciplinary theme (Erasmus 3)
co-ordinate or be a partner in co-operation projects in areas such as languages (Lingua), the use of new technology in education (Minerva) and the analysis of education systems (Observation and Innovation)
Teacher trainers (in addition to all opportunities available to university teachers in general) may:
be a part of a team developing teacher training courses, teacher training materials or other pedagogical materials for school education (Comenius 2)
receive an individual training grant to attend an in-service training course abroad (Comenius 2 or Grundtvig 3)
participate in or organise a multinational study visit for educational decision-makers (Arion)
Teachers, trainers or other educators (tutors, mentors etc) working in adult or remedial education may:
take part in Grundtvig activities within the framework of a co-operation project (Grundtvig 1), a learning partnership (Grundtvig 2) or a network (Grundtvig 4)
receive an individual training grant to attend an in-service training course abroad (Grundtvig 3)
participate in or organise a multinational study visit for educational decision-makers (Arion)
Tutors, mentors or other educators working with pupils at risk of exclusion, children of migrant workers, Gypsies, travellers and occupational travellers may:
take part in Comenius activities within a co-operation project (Comenius 1 and 2)
receive an individual training grant to attend an in-service training course abroad (Comenius 2)
Non-teaching education staff (heads of institutions, counsellors, inspectors, etc.) may:
take part in Comenius activities in a school partnership (Comenius 1), a co-operation project for staff training (Comenius 2) or a network (Comenius 3)
receive an individual training grant to attend an in-service training course abroad (Comenius 2, Grundtvig 3)
coordinate or participate in activities within the Institutional Contract (Erasmus 1) and certain Thematic Networks (Erasmus 3)
take part in Grundtvig activities in the framework of a co-operation project (Grundtvig 1), a learning partnership (Grundtvig 2) or a network (Grundtvig 4)
take part in the Accompanying Measures through their associations
participate in or organise a multinational study visit for educational decision-makers (Arion)
Decision-makers and education specialists may:
take part in co-operation projects under various Actions
attend conferences and colloquia concerning best practice and innovation in language teaching and learning (Lingua 1)
participate in or organise a multinational study visit for educational decision-makers (Arion)
Schools (from pre-primary to all types of secondary schools) may :
co-ordinate or take part in a Comenius School Project, a Comenius Language Project or a Comenius School Development Project (Comenius 1)
take part in a co-operation project for the development of in-service training courses or pedagogical materials for school education (Comenius 2)
host a Comenius Language Assistant
take part in a Comenius network (Comenius 3)
lead or take part in a project to raise awareness about language learning (Lingua 1) or to develop new language learning tools (Lingua 2)
lead or take part in an innovative project in the field of Open and Distance Learning and Information and Communication Technologies (Minerva)
lead or take part in activities under the Accompanying Measures
Universities may
organise student and teacher mobility (Erasmus 2)
organise student teachers’ mobility for supervised study and/or practical training abroad (Comenius 2)
develop curricula or study programmes with other partners (Comenius 2 and Erasmus 1)
introduce the European Credit Transfer System for academic recognition ECTS (Erasmus 1)
take part in a Thematic Network via their faculties or their departments (Erasmus 3)
lead or take part in a Comenius network (Comenius 3)
lead or take part in a project to develop new teacher training materials or courses (Comenius 2)
lead or take part in co-operation projects (Grundtvig 1), learning partnerships (Grundtvig 2) and networks (Grundtvig 4)
lead or take part in a project to raise awareness about language learning (Lingua 1) or to develop new language learning tools (Lingua 2)
lead or take part in an innovative project in the field of Open and Distance Learning and Information and Communication Technologies (Minerva)
lead or take part in activities for the analysis of education systems and policies (Observation and Innovation)
lead or take part in activities under the Accompanying Measures
Teacher training institutions/centres may:
lead or take part in a project to develop teacher training courses or materials (Comenius 2)
lead or take part in a Comenius network (Comenius 3)
take part in school projects (Comenius 1)
lead or take part in a project to raise awareness about language learning (Lingua 1) or to develop new language learning tools (Lingua 2)
lead or take part in an innovative project in the field of Open and Distance Learning and Information and Communication Technologies (Minerva 5)
take part in co-operation and mobility for training activities in the field of adult learning (Grundtvig 1,2,3,4)
organise multinational study visits for educational decision-makers (Arion)
lead or take part in activities under the Accompanying Measures
Adult education institutions or organisations may :
lead or take part in transnational co-operation projects (Grundtvig 1), learning partnerships (Grundtvig 2) and networks (Grundtvig 4), and organise or send their staff members on training courses in other European countries (Grundtvig 3)
host a Comenius Language Assistant
lead or take part in a project to raise awareness about language learning (Lingua 1) or to develop new language learning tools (Lingua 2)
lead or take part in an innovative project in the field of Open and Distance Learning and Information and Communication Technologies (Minerva)
organise multinational study visits for educational decision-makers (Arion)
lead or take part in activities under the Accompanying Measures
Associations (students, parents, teachers, staff, etc.) and non-profit organisations may:
organise events, publications or information activities, pilot projects etc. via the Accompanying Measures
take part as "associated partners" in school projects (Comenius 1)
lead or take part in networks (Comenius 3, Erasmus 3, Grundtvig 4)
lead or take part in a project to raise awareness about language learning (Lingua 1) or to develop new language learning tools (Lingua 2)
lead or take part in Grundtvig co-operation projects (Grundtvig 1), learning partnerships (Grundtvig 2) and networks (Grundtvig 4)
Public authorities (national, regional and local) may:
take part in Comenius co-operation projects (Comenius 2)
lead or take part in a Comenius network (Comenius 3)
lead or take part in Grundtvig co-operation projects (Grundtvig 1), learning partnerships (Grundtvig 2) or networks (Grundtvig 4) and in school projects as "associated partners" (Comenius 1)
organise multinational study visits for educational decision-makers (Arion)
Private companies may, in different ways depending on the Action concerned:
take part in co-operation projects and networks under Comenius 2 and 3, Erasmus 3, Grundtvig 1 and 4, Lingua, Minerva, Observation and Innovation, the Accompanying Measures
take part in Comenius 1 projects as "associated partners"
Research institutes involved in research on educational issues may:
conduct studies, analyses and other activities related to the observation of education systems and policies (Observation and Innovation)
take part in school projects as "associated partners" (Comenius 1)
lead or take part in Comenius projects (Comenius 2) and networks (Comenius 3)
participate in Grundtvig co-operation projects (Grundtvig 1), learning partnerships (Grundtvig 2) and networks (Grundtvig 4)
lead or take part in an innovative project in the field of Open and Distance Learning and Information and Communication Technologies (Minerva)
Other institutions providing educational opportunities for adults in the broadest sense, such as museums, libraries, hospitals, prisons and youth detention centres, sports associations, neighbourhood organisations etc., may:
participate in all activities under Grundtvig
participate in school projects as "associated partners"(Comenius 1) and school education networks (Comenius 3)
participate in co-operation projects under Lingua and Minerva
participate in certain Arion study visits for educational decision-makers
lead or take part in activities under the Accompanying Measures
Organisations with an interest in language teaching and learning (notably language resource centres, centres for research into language education; open and distance learning centres; establishments developing teaching programmes, issuing diplomas or devising methods for testing and evaluating knowledge; local and regional authorities; local, regional, national or European associations active in the field of language teaching or learning; cultural and language support associations, including national associations; language schools; international associations of language teaching establishments; radio, television or media companies with an Internet presence; publishing houses, software producers or distributors) may:
lead or take part in a project to raise awareness about language learning (Lingua 1) or to develop new language learning tools (Lingua 2)
organise multinational study visits for educational decision-makers (Arion)
Organisations with an expertise in the use of information and communication technology in education, in developing open and distance learning and in the field of educational multimedia may:
in particular, lead or take part in all activities under Minerva
lead or take part in activities under Grundtvig, certain projects under Comenius 2 and Erasmus Thematic Networks (Erasmus 3) and Lingua

Cu stima,
Erasmus for Students
Have you ever wished to live and study abroad? Have you ever wanted to get to know a different culture, study at a foreign university, meet new friends, learn another language, all at the same time?
Then SOCRATES/ERASMUS may be what you are looking for!
The SOCRATES/ERASMUS programme offers the possibility of studying abroad in another European country for a period of between 3 and 12 months.
You may receive a study grant! And you won't have to pay university fees abroad! In addition, your studies abroad will be recognised at your home university. All your rights, as well as your obligations, as an ERASMUS student are written down in the ERASMUS Student Charter which is given to you before leaving for your study period abroad.
An important part of your ERASMUS study period is the Learning Agreement. It sets out the programme of studies which you will follow abroad as well as the confirmation of academic achievement protocol and must be agreed in writing between your home university, your host university and yourself. Any changes to that Agreement should be agreed in writing by all three parties. If you comply with the requirements of the Learning Agreement then recognition of your study period abroad by your home university is assured.
In addition, you can improve your language skills by participating in one of the Erasmus Intensive Language Courses (EILCs) offered at host universities!
And remember: you will receive full recognition for your study period abroad at home!
Do you want to know more about the SOCRATES/ERASMUS programme?
If you want to participate, just go to the international relations office of your home university and ask about SOCRATES/ERASMUS, and what it can do for you. You can also consult the website of your home university!

Here you can find answers concerning the following issues: who can participate in ERASMUS and how, where can you go, how do you apply for a grant, what about tuition fees, recognition of studies and language knowledge, accomodation, employment prospects etc.
Check other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for more information on ERASMUS!
Click here for information for students with severe disabilities
The Student Data Bank IRIS is a narrative reporting service for the ERASMUS programme. It has presently been developed by the Centre for International University Cooperation (SIU), Norway.
NARIC network and the recognition of diplomas
The ERASMUS Student Network (ESN) is a European-wide student network whose aim is to support and develop student exchange across Europe by providing foreign students with practical information and helping them with problems they might encounter during their stay via the system "students help international students".
Where to turn to in case you encounter problems as an ERASMUS student
For more information on your basic rights as an EU citizen regarding residence, education, working conditions and social security etc. abroad, check the Dialogue with Citizens homepage!
Other useful information for students:
Information for student associations is available here
Jean Monnet project
Marie Curie Fellowships for young researchers
Leonardo da Vinci programme
Debate on the Future of Europe
documentele sunt pe http://www.socleoyouth.be/static/en/erasmus/appl_forms.htm


The purpose of Erasmus is to improve the quality of higher education and strengthen its European dimension. It does this by encouraging transnational cooperation between universities, fostering the European mobility of students and teachers, and contributing to improved transparency and academic recognition of qualifications and studies throughout the European Union. 
How does it work? 
Higher education institutions apply for the Erasmus University Charter (EUC) to the European Commission. The awarding of an EUC gives the institution the right to participate in activities supported by the Erasmus programme. Once an institution receives a Charter, it can apply for funding for activities such as Student Mobility and Curriculum Development projects.   
From the academic year 2003/2004, the EUC replaced the previous system of Institutional Contracts between the European Commission and higher education institutions. For more information regarding the changes please contact your National Agency or the TAO Erasmus Department. 
Who is eligible?
Erasmus targets universities (nearly all universities in Europe take part) but also all types of recognised non-university higher education establishments as well as post-university studies.
A list of eligible institutions is provided by country.
Erasmus supports the following activities: 
Student and Teaching Staff mobility  
·1 Student mobility (SM)
Erasmus gives students (up to and including doctorate, except for students enrolled in their first year of Higher Education) the opportunity to study for a period of 3-12 months at a university or higher education establishment in another participating country in the framework of agreed arrangements between universities.  The time spent in the other country is fully recognised in the originating university, thanks to ECTS. Students also receive an Erasmus Student Charter which outlines their rights as visiting students and the obligations which they must fulfil at their host institution. 
·2 Teaching staff mobility (TS)
Erasmus provides support for teachers giving, generally short courses, as part of the official curriculum of a partner university in another European country. The grants are intended as a contribution to the additional costs arising from teaching in another country. 
·3 Organisation of mobility (OM) 
Erasmus provides support to higher education institutions for the creation of optimal conditions: a) for students, to undertake recognised periods of study at partner institutions in other participating countries; b) for teachers, to organise fully integrated teaching assignments of short duration; c) for implementation of ECTS and Diploma Supplement (DS).  These optimal conditions include information, infrastructure and facilities, guidance, follow-up, involvement of local partners and facilities, guidance, follow-up, involvement of local partners and associations, etc.   
European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

Erasmus supports the activities related to the introduction, implementation and/or extension of ECTS, a system for academic credit allocation and transfer. The ECTS support mechanisms are: an ECTS introduction grant for institutions, which have never received Erasmus support for ECTS, an ECTS label for institutions which apply ECTS the proper way in all first and second cycle degree label for institutions which apply ECTS the proper way in all first and second cycle degree programmes, an ECTS Credit Accumulation Grant for institutions which have the ECTS label and wish to introduce mechanisms for credit accumulation, ECTS/DS Counsellors and ECTS/DS Counsellors’ site visits. 

Intensive programmes (IP)

Community funding may be allocated to universities organising short courses (10 days to 3 month) provided they have a European dimension. Financial support is available for one, two or three consecutive years on the understanding that every year the group of participants must be different and/or the themes involved must be different. 

Curriculum Development projects (CD)

At least three establishments from different countries pool their resources to develop a programme of study, a module or a master’s programme. This can be done in all academic subject areas. The financial support is for a maximum of three years.
How to apply? 
My institution does not have an Erasmus University Charter...
To participate in the Erasmus programme, higher education institutions have to apply for an Erasmus University Charter (EUC) using an on-line application form which will be available on this site. 1982 institutions from 30 countries have been awarded an EUC so far. 
For Curriculum Development projects (CD), Intensive Programmes (IP) institutions should apply to the Technical Assistance Office (TAO). 
My institution has an Erasmus University Charter...
If your institution has been awarded an EUC you can apply directly to your National Agency for funds for the Organisation of Mobility (OM), Student Mobility (SM), Teacher Mobility (TS) and for the introduction of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
Deadline: to de decided by each National Agency (between March and May 2004)
For European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) label and Diploma Supplement (DS) label please submit an application to the Technical Assistance Office (TAO). 

For Curriculum Development projects (CD) and Intensive Programmes (IP), institutions should submit separate applications for each project to the TAO. 
I'm a student or teacher interested in mobility...
If you are interested in mobility and are eligible for the Erasmus programme, you should contact the international relations department of your institution. For young people who are not eligible for Erasmus but would like to study abroad other programmes are available. 
Project Information
·1 Life Card: As a contracted Socrates promoter you can have access to your project 'Life Card'. This contains an electronic log of all administrative and contractual matters associated with the management of your project. To access your 'Life Card' you need to log in to this site on the homepage via a user name and password. If your institution is participating in Erasmus for the first time you will be sent your user name and password after the finalisation of your contract. For those who already have a contract, if you experience any difficulties please contact us using the 'Feedback' icon found on the right of any page. 
·2 Approved projects 2003/2004
·3 List of approved 2002/2003 CDs, CDDs, IPs 
by country and IC number of the coordinating institution
by country and ERASMUS institutional code of the partner institution
·4 Statistics on Erasmus activities. For country-specific information please contact your National Agency. 
A global overview is available, or for additional information please contact Directorate General Education and Culture of the European Commission.   
·5 Compendium: This tool enables you to search within a database of institutions participating in Erasmus. You can search by contract year, country, institution and project partner/organisation or subject.   
Further Information  
If you have a specific question you can contact the Technical Assistance Office by email
You can find more information on the Erasmus action on the European Commission web site: 
·1 There is a general Socrates page
·2 ‘Socrates Community action programme in the field of Education (2000-2006), Guidelines for applicants’  in 11 languages
·3 Erasmus page
·5 Diploma Supplement
·6 List of National Agencies

Cu stima,
Marian Stancu






Instructions on completing

the application for an

ERASMUS University Charter

(Closing Date for electronic Submission: 1 November 2004)



This is a web-based document and contains hyperlinks
taking you to different parts of the document or on to supporting documents
if you read it on-line.


Any institution wishing to participate in SOCRATES/ERASMUS mobility activities and/or as a co-ordinator of any other SOCRATES/ERASMUS activity (Curriculum Development Projects, Intensive Programmes, pre-proposals for Thematic Networks) must apply to the Commission for an ERASMUS University Charter (EUC) in order to gain access to the programme.

The application for an ERASMUS University Charter can ONLY be submitted by using the INTERNET ON-LINE APPLICATION available at http://www.socleoyouth.be.

After having submitted the application for an ERASMUS University Charter via the on-line tool, you have to print out the completed on-line application and submit two signed paper copies to the TAO and one paper copy to your National Agency.

In the case your application is approved, the European Policy Statement (EPS) of your institution will be published on Socrates, Leonardo and Youth Technical Assistance Office’s web site (www.socleoyouth.be).



The on-line application for an ERASMUS University Charter is available
at the following address: http://www.socleoyouth.be

The minimum system requirements for the on-line application for an ERASMUS University are available at the same address.

Please note that specific technical information on how to use the on-line application for an ERASMUS University Charter will also be provided wihtin the new on-line tool.



Introductory comments

These instructions should be read together with:
the ERASMUS University Charter application form

This document is available at http://www.socleoyouth.be.

For an insight into the activities covered by SOCRATES/ERASMUS and the corresponding eligibility and selection criteria and priorities, the following documents should be consulted:
the SOCRATES Guidelines for Applicants
the SOCRATES call for proposals 2005

These documents are available at http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/socrates/download.html.

ERASMUS University Charter (EUC)

All institutions, which intend to apply for any of the SOCRATES/ERASMUS activities need to have an ERASMUS University Charter (EUC). ALL institutions not having an EUC will have to submit an application for an ERASMUS University Charter in order to gain access to the ERASMUS programme.

The ERASMUS University Charter sets out the underlying fundamental principles behind all ERASMUS activities at your institution.

With your endorsement of the application for an ERASMUS University Charter you agree to the content of the Charter and give the commitment of your institution to do the outmost to respect and observe these principles and obligations.

In the case that your project is approved, your institution will receive an ERASMUS University Charter signed by the Commission, which entitles your institution to:
apply to the National Agency for ERASMUS mobility activities (i.e. grants for student and teaching staff mobility), for organisation of mobility and ECTS;
apply to the Commission for ERASMUS centralised funds (ERASMUS Transnational Co-operation Projects, i.e. Curriculum Development Projects, Intensive Programmes, Thematic Network projects, and also ECTS Label and Diploma Supplement).

Further information on the ERASMUS charter is available at http://www.socleoyouth.be.

Period of validity of the ERASMUS University Charter

Once approved, the ERASMUS University Charter remains in principle valid for the lifetime of the SOCRATES II programme, i.e. until the end of the academic year 2006/2007. It could be withdrawn if institutions fail to fulfil predefined obligations, e.g. non-submission of reports on the use of grant, or violation of the principles of the Charter

.Eligible countries

In order to be eligible for support, applicant institutions must be located within the European Union, one of the 3 other countries of the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) or in one of the following countries: Bulgaria, Romania or Turkey.

Eligible institutions

Applications for the ERASMUS University Charter can be submitted by all types of higher education institutions located in countries eligible to participate in the SOCRATES programme and recognised as eligible for ERASMUS grants by the competent authorities of the country concerned.

These institutions were nominated to the Commission by the authorities in charge. A list of eligible institutions is available on the TAO Internet site at http://www.socleoyouth.be.

For further information on the eligibility of your institution please contact the National Agency of your country. The addresses and telephone/fax details of the National Agencies can be found in annex 3 to this document.

NOTE: ERASMUS Transnational Co-operation Projects will still have a minimum of three universities eligible for ERASMUS at the core of the partnership. Nevertheless, organisations which do not fulfil the above eligibility criteria may participate in and benefit from Community grants as a project partner in NEW projects (NOT as project co-ordinator) (Further information is available at http://www.socleoyouth.be).

Language of the application

To be eligible, your application for an Erasmus University Charter must be submitted in one of the official languages of the European Union: Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Latvia, Maltese, Polish, Slovene,or Slovak.

The on-line application for an ERASMUS University Charter is available in three languages only (EN, FR, DE), but free text can be inputted in any of the official languages of the European Union.

ERASMUS University Charter - Application procedure

Institutions are asked to submit the application for an ERASMUS University Charter by using the obligatory ON-LINE application (available as from beginning of October 2004 at the Socrates Website http://www.socleoyouth.be).

Institutions may only apply individually for the ERASMUS University Charter. Consequently, NO application as consortia of institutions will be possible.


Application for ERASMUS mobility grants

Information on the application procedure on ERASMUS mobility grants is available at your National Agency (see annex 3) .

Application for ERASMUS Transnational Co-operation Projects (Curriculum Development Projects, Intensive Programmes, pre-proposals for Thematic Networks)

Information on the application procedure for ERASMUS Transnational Co-operation Projects is available at http://www.socleoyouth.be

At this address you will also find the application forms and instructions for:
NEW Curriculum Development Projects (deadline 01/03/2005)
Intensive Programmes (new and renewal) (deadline 01/03/2005)
Pre-proposals for Thematic Networks (deadline 01/11/2004)

If you have problems accessing this address you can also obtain application forms from your National Agency and the Technical Assistance Office.


Partnership agreements

A prior agreement should be concluded with each of the partner institutions involved for ALL ERASMUS activities for which your institution is requesting support either from the European Commission or from the National Agency. These agreements can be annual or multi-annual, bilateral or multilateral, mono-disciplinary or multi-disciplinary.

Partnership agreements on ERASMUS Transnational Co-operation Projects have to be concluded prior to the submission of the application, i.e. before 1 March 2005.

For ERASMUS mobility activities it is strongly recommended to conclude the respective partnership agreements prior to the submission of the application to your National Agency at the latest (Deadline expected to be in March/April 2005).

A (non-exclusive) model agreement is given in annex 4 of these instructions.

Although these agreements should not be attached to your application, the European Commission may request them at a later stage during or after the selection process.

Application for ECTS Label and Diploma Supplement (DS) Label

Information on the application procedure and application forms for ECTS and Diploma Supplement Labels are available at http://www.socleoyouth.be

Applications for ECTS and Diploma Supplement Labels are to be submitted simultaneously with the application for an ERASMUS University Charter, deadline being 1 November 2004.

ERASMUS institutional co-ordinator

The ERASMUS co-ordinator of the institution or contact person is the person in charge of supervising all ERASMUS activities within your institution.

All ERASMUS applications, i.e. for

the ERASMUS University Charter
ERASMUS Transnational Co-operation Projects (Curriculum Development Projects, Intensive Programmes or pre-proposals for Thematic Networks)
ERASMUS mobility grants to the National Agency

should be submitted via the ERASMUS institutional co-ordinator in order to ensure:

a co-ordinated approach to the preparation of applications;
that the proposals are in line with the European Policy Statement (EPS) submitted by your institution.

Submission  of the ERASMUS University Charter application

It is essential that the electronic version of your application for an ERASMUS University Charter must be submitted by

1 November 2004 at the latest

No extension of this deadline will be granted under any circumstances.

Regarding the paper versions:

2 paper copies of the submitted electronic application form (each with an original signature) are to be sent to the

SOCRATES, LEONARDO & YOUTH Technical Assistance Office
139 rue Colonel Bourg
B-1140 Bruxelles

1 paper copy is to be sent to your National Agency



Please note that your application for an ERASMUS University Charter can ONLY be considered if:

it has been completed and submitted by using the on-line tool and
two identical and duly signed paper versions of the on-line application have been submitted to the Technical Assistance Office by post by November 5th 2004.

It is strongly recommended that you send your application by such means that provide you with proof of dispatch (registered post, express courier, etc.).

Should the paper version of your application not be received, no subsequent submission will be considered without formal proof that the original application was sent within the deadline.

Acknowledgement of receipt

Applicants are invited to consult the website of the SOCRATES, LEONARDO & YOUTH Technical Assistance Office to confirm the receipt of their ERASMUS University Charter (EUC) application. If by 02/12/2004 the application has not been registered on the website (www.socleoyouth.be), the applicant should contact the SOCRATES, LEONARDO & YOUTH Technical Assistance Office.

Information on approved applications

A list of institutions awarded an ERASMUS University Charter is expected to be published on the Europa server and on the web site of the TAO by the end of February 2005.

Subsequently, the approved institutions will receive an ERASMUS University Charter signed by the Commission.

How to submit a valid Erasmus University Charter Application

1. Submit the online application available on the homepage of the TAO http//:www.socleoyouth.be electronically before November 1st 2004, 23.59 hours

2. Do a printout of the submitted online application

3. Ask the legal representative of your institution of higher education to sign two paper versions on section E

4. Send two duly signed paper copies with original signatures and original stamps or seals of the institution to the TAO, rue Colonel Bourg 139 Kolonel Bourgstraat, B-1140 Brussels. These two paper copies must be sent to the TAO not later than November 5th 2004 (date of postmark on the envelope not later than November 5th 2004)

Your application will be rejected

If you do not use the electronic on-line application form “ERASMUS UNIVERSITY CHARTER Application form for academic years 2005/06 – 2006/07

If you use the print screen option

If you submit an application where in the footnote it says “Draft”

If you submit the application only electronically

If you submit only a paper version

If the two paper versions submitted do not bear the original signatures of the legal representative of your institution together with the stamps or seals of the institution (e.g. rector, vice chancellor, president, director etc)

Structure of the ERASMUS University Charter (EUC) application


A – Institutional Profile A.1 Identification of the applicant institution


A.2 Identification of the legal representative
A.3 Identification of the ERASMUS institutional co-ordinator
A.4 Statistical data on the applicant institution
A.5 Statistical data on outgoing mobility
A.6 Data on subject areas taught
B – EPS European Policy Statement This section needs to be filled in by ALL institutions applying for any ERASMUS activity.
For approved institutions the EPS will be published on the European Commission’s web site.
C – Questions on OM Questions on the Organisation of Mobility This section needs to be filled in by ALL institutions applying for ERASMUS mobility activities.
D –EUC ERASMUS University Charter This part is for information only and therefore in “read only” mode (cannot be modified).
The ERASMUS University Charter sets out the underlying fundamental principles for all ERASMUS co-operations.
Approved institutions will receive an ERASMUS University Charter signed by the European Commission.
E – Endorsement Endorsement of the application This section needs to be filled in by ALL institutions applying for any ERASMUS activity.

ERASMUS University Charter: Cover page of the application form


Institutions without an EUC

Higher education institutions, which did not receive an ERASMUS University Charter for 2004/2005, either because they did not apply for one or because their application was not successful, will be provided immediately with a new individual username and password once they access the on-line application tool. Your institution will be asked to use this individual username and password to be able to complete the on-line application.

In addition, applications for these institutions will automatically receive a reference number for the EUC, which will appear automatically on the first page of your application on your screen and whenever you print it out.

Please note that more detailed technical information will also be provided within the new on-line tool.

Contract/correspondence language

You should also indicate the language in which you wish to receive all subsequent correspondence. The choice of language is limited to English (EN), French (FR) and German (DE).

Part A – Institutional Profile

Introductory note

It is essential that the information given in Part A is both complete and accurate, as an institution cannot be allowed to participate in ERASMUS activities unless it can be properly identified as eligible for the ERASMUS programme.

A.1 Identification of the applicant institution

Please enter the full legal name of the institution in the national language, including its acronym or abbreviation where one exists. For less commonly used languages, a translation of the title into English is also requested. Please enter the country in which your institution is located.

Please note that more detailed technical information will also be provided within the new on-line tool.

In order to check the eligibility of your institution for ERASMUS, please consult the website at http://www.socleoyouth.be or contact your National Agency or the Technical Assistance Office to make sure that your institution is recognised as eligible for ERASMUS grants by the competent authorities of the country concerned.

A.2 Identification of the legal representative

The contractor or legal representative of the institution is the only person who can make a legal commitment of the institution, and who will be the signatory for the contracts if the Commission and/or the National Agency award a grant to your institution. In general, this will be the Head of the institution. Please give his/her full contact details.

A.3 ERASMUS institutional co-ordinator – contact person

The ERASMUS co-ordinator of the institution or contact person is the person in charge of supervising all ERASMUS activities within your institution. Please give his/her full contact details.

Usually it will remain the same person who has been responsible for the co-ordination of the IC in previous years.

The address provided will be used for most correspondence relating to the ERASMUS University Charter. It is recommended to use the same address for correspondence with your National Agency on ERASMUS mobility activities.

Please note: The ERASMUS co-ordinator of your institution should be contacted before preparing and submitting applications for:
ERASMUS Transnational Co-operation Projects to the European Commission,
ERASMUS mobility activities to the National Agency of your country,
in order to ensure:
a co-ordinated approach to the preparation of applications;
that the proposals are in line with the EPS of your institution.

A.4 Data on the applicant institution

The data requested in this section will be used as a source of information on the applicant institution. The figures required concern higher education only; you should not include data on any other levels of education provided in your institution.

Please select the level of degrees awarded by your institution:
First cycle degrees (undergraduate level, often called a bachelor - minimum three years)
Second cycle degree (graduate, often called a master. Access requirement: successful completion of first cycle).
One-tier degrees (long degree programmes not divided into first and second cycle).
Doctoral degree programmes (research and courses leading to a doctorate).
Other degrees (programmes at higher education level not leading to a full first or second cycle degree as described above. Examples: two-year programmes at undergraduate level, module certificates).

Please indicate when your institution participated in ERASMUS for the first time. Background information:
The ERASMUS programme started in 1987 and was prolonged at the end of 1989 for a further 5 years. In 1992 the EFTA countries joined the programme and it was enlarged to accommodate 18 participating countries.
In 1995 the SOCRATES programme was launched. ERASMUS was redesigned and became an integrated part of SOCRATES.
In 1997 the first Associated Countries joined the programme. Since towards the end of the first phase of SOCRATES, 30 countries (i.e. the member states, EFTA/EEA countries, the associated countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Cyprus and Malta) have been participating in the programme.
In 2000, the second phase of the SOCRATES programme was launched with a total programme duration of seven years (2000 - 2006).

A.5 Data on outgoing mobility

Only if your institution has not been involved in ERASMUS mobility you should indicate how many ERASMUS students/teachers you plan to send out during the academic year 2005/2006.

A.6 Data on the subject areas taught

Select the main ERASMUS subject areas taught at your institution.
For example, if forestry is taught at your institution, select the main ERASMUS subject area using the given categorisation (01-Agricultural Sciences, which is the main ERASMUS subject area to which forestry belongs See ERASMUS subject area subdivision in annex 2 to the present instructions).

Part B – European Policy Statement

General Information

Please note that the EPS forms an obligatory part of the ERASMUS University Charter application.

For approved institutions, the EPS submitted with the ERASMUS University Charter application will be published on Socrates, Leonardo & Youth Technical Assistance Office’s web site (www.socleoyouth.be).

The EPS can be submitted in all the 20 official languages of the European Union. Nevertheless, in order to allow a wider public access to the information about your institution, please consider the choice of the language in which you submit the EPS.

The European Policy Statement

The EPS should set out the underlying European co-operation strategy for all your Socrates co-operation plans, i.e. ERASMUS mobility, ERASMUS Curriculum Development, Intensive Programmes and Thematic Network projects as well as other SOCRATES activities.

It should take account of your institution's specific context, character and degree of development.

Your European Policy Statement should contain precise and detailed information on the following three main questions (maximum 15 000 characters including spaces and new paragraphs, about 4 pages):
What is the current situation of your university’s international co-operation in the context of current national, international and European development?
Given the strengths and weaknesses of your university’s present situation, define your university’s aims and priorities for 2005/2006 – 2006/2007 with a special focus on promoting activities within the SOCRATES programme. Briefly describe how the EPS has been developed and how it will be implemented at your institution.
How will your institution ensure high quality in student and teaching staff mobility and in ERASMUS co-operation projects?

Issues proposed to be addressed

It is suggested that the following points should be dealt with when addressing the above three questions:
the role of international and European co-operation in your institution's strategic development plan, e.g. innovation and development of the institution's teaching & research areas;
future development plans for European & international co-operation (in mobility, curriculum development, networks, etc.);
how your plans relate to results achieved so far in European co-operation;
quality control and evaluation of participation in European programmes;
internationalisation of administrative staff, teachers and students;
measures to ensure the full recognition of study periods;
measures to encourage academic staff to participate in teaching staff assignments and transnational projects;
extension of the use of foreign languages in teaching and research;
policies to combat gender inequality, racism and xenophobia, and exclusion of socially disadvantaged groups;
policies for implementing the Bologna process;
the management of the EPS process and implementation of the EPS in the institution (e.g. role of the leadership).

Universities that submitted an EPS in previous years are also invited to indicate the development made and the results achieved so far and to briefly describe how these achievements will be further developed and sustained.

Link to other ERASMUS projects

Please note that applications for ERASMUS Transnational Co-operation Projects (Curriculum Development Projects, Intensive Programmes and pre-proposals for Thematic Networks) submitted by your institution should show a strong link to the strategic policy described in your EPS.

The application forms for these projects will foresee a specific section where the applicant is requested to describe how the project proposal contributes to the overall strategy laid down in the EPS.

Part C – Questions on the Organisation of Mobility (OM)


Please note that Part C of the ERASMUS University Charter needs to be completed by ALL institutions that will apply for ERASMUS mobility activities at their National Agency.

These questions are presented as closed questions for which answers are provided in a scroll-down menu. Please note that ALL the questions must be answered.

Completion of the questions on OM

Information on the strategy for mobility activities should be considered on a long-term basis. It refers to the total validity period of your ERASMUS University Charter (2005/2006 – 2006/2007).

This allows your institution to apply to the National Agency for mobility funds without having to resubmit a full application for an ERASMUS University Charter when deciding to start with mobility activities in future years.

Please only tick the “No mobility foreseen in 2005/2006 - 2006/2007” box if your institution does not anticipate any mobility activities during the time period 2005/2006 – 2006/2007. No information should then be provided on the closed questions for the organisation of mobility activities (OM).

However, in this case, the ERASMUS University Charter will not entitle your institution to apply to the National Agency for ERASMUS mobility funds during the period 2005/2006 until 2006/2007 unless your institution resubmits an application for an ERASMUS University Charter containing full information on OM (for deadlines see section D below).

Application to the NA for mobility activities

Please note that if your application for an ERASMUS University Charter is accepted, an application covering both individual grants for all mobile students and teachers as well as funding for the organisation of mobility (OM) and ECTS is to be addressed to the National Agency of your country (the deadlines are expected to be in March/April 2005). For further details please contact your National Agency (see annex 3).

Questions on OM - explanations and definitions

Outgoing ERASMUS students:
The term “outgoing ERASMUS students” refers to the whole population of potential candidates who could potentially participate in ERASMUS student mobility.

Information on recognition matters for outgoing ERASMUS students:
This information typically consists of information on learning agreements, pre-conditions for receiving full academic recognition, procedures and contact person(s) for recognition at your institution.

Assistance in finding accommodation for incoming ERASMUS students:
The term “assistance in finding accommodation” refers for example to services such as:
accommodation offered especially to ERASMUS students;
support from accommodation agencies at the university or organisations closely linked to it;

Language courses for incoming ERASMUS students:
The term “languages courses” refers to language courses offered in the official national language of the host institution in order to support the incoming ERASMUS students in following the agreed study programme at your institution. Language courses in other languages offered to incoming ERASMUS students can also be taken into account.

Tutoring of incoming ERASMUS students:
The term “tutoring” refers in particular to information and support provided by other students (e.g. former ERASMUS students) or student unions on issues such as:
information on the course programme;
support concerning administrative affairs at the university;
organisation of social events for and in conjunction with ERASMUS students (organisation of visits, regular coming together etc.).

Provision for outgoing ERASMUS students who wish to attend language courses at the host institution:
This question refers to provisions made by your institution in order to enable and/or support outgoing ERASMUS students to attend language courses at the host institution (in particular in the national official language of the host country).

Use of ECTS to facilitate academic recognition of ERASMUS study periods abroad:
Tick the appropriate YES box only if the ECTS basics are genuinely applied (ECTS credits, learning agreement and transcript of records). Institutions that apply ECTS in all degree programmes can apply for an ECTS label (on an annual basis from 1 November 2004). ECTS counsellors provide advice. See the list of Counsellors at http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/socrates/ects/ectscons.pdf

ECTS as internal credit accumulation system:
A credit accumulation system describes degree programmes in measurable units in order to enable a description of the volume of studies to be made. It also gives the flexibility to collect credits more freely and tailor studies to the individual.

Acknowledgement of teaching activity abroad as an important part of an academic career:
This refers, for example, to measures that acknowledge teaching activities abroad as a criteria for career advancement and/or for the annual performance evaluation of teaching staff etc.

Part D – ERASMUS University Charter (EUC)


This part of the application for an ERASMUS University Charter is included for information only (therefore in READ ONLY format). It can neither be completed nor amended.

Awarding and duration of the ERASMUS University Charter

Approved institutions will receive an ERASMUS University Charter (valid from 2005/2006 until 2006/2007) signed by the Commission, which entitles them to apply
to the Commission for financial support for ERASMUS Transnational Co-operation Projects (Curriculum Development Projects, Intensive Programmes, Thematic Networks) and
to their National Agency for funding for mobility activities (student mobility, teaching staff mobility, Organisation of Mobility and ECTS).

The ERASMUS University Charter can be withdrawn if institutions fail to fulfil pre-defined obligations, such as submission of reports regarding the use of grants.

In principle, no application for an ERASMUS University Charter should be resubmitted until 2006/2007. The only exceptions could be:
An institution does not answer the individual closed OM questions (see section C above) within its application submitted in November 2004, because at that stage it does not foresee any mobility activities between 2005/2006 and 2006/2007. The institution then changes its European co-operation strategy at a later stage and wishes finally to participate in mobility activities. As a consequence, it has to resubmit an application for an ERASMUS University Charter including the full information on Organisation of Mobility (part C).
An institution significantly changes its European co-operation strategy and therefore wishes to update its EPS.

Please note that resubmission or updating of the EPS should be exceptional cases as:
it is strongly recommended to complete section C as the information on the strategy for mobility activities should apply on a long-term basis (2005/2006 – 2006/2007);
the EPS should outline the European co-operation strategy of your institution for the whole duration of the Charter (i.e. up to 2006/2007).

Part E – Endorsement of the application

On-line Submission

After having submitted your application for an ERASMUS University Charter on-line, you are requested to print it out. The paper version must be signed by the legal representative of your institution (as identified in section A.2 of this application).

Signature and stamp

The signature of the head of your institution and the stamp of your institution must be ORIGINAL and provided in section E on each of the two paper copies, being identical to the completed application for an ERASMUS University Charter that you submitted on-line by means of the on-line application tool.


List of codes for use on the EUC application form

Language abbreviation codes

DA Danish GR Greek
DE German IT Italian
EN English NL Dutch
ES Spanish PO Portuguese
FI Finnish SE Swedish
FR French

ISO country codes

AT Austria IS Iceland BG Bulgaria RO Romania
BE Belgium IT Italy CZ Czech Republic SI Slovenia
DE Germany IE Ireland CY Cyprus SK Slovakia
DK Denmark LI Liechtenstein EE Estonia TR Turkey
ES Spain LU Luxembourg HU Hungary
FI Finland NL Netherlands LV Latvia
FR France NO Norway LT Lithuania
UK United Kingdom PT Portugal MT Malta
GR Greece SE Sweden PL Poland

Country codes for the ERASMUS Institutional Identification codes

A Austria IRL Ireland BG Bulgaria LV Latvia
B Belgium IS Iceland CY Cyprus MT Malta
D Germany L Luxembourg CZ Czech Republic PL Poland
DK Denmark N Norway EE Estonia RO Romania
E Spain NL Netherlands HU Hungary SI Slovenia
F France P Portugal LT Lithuania SK Slovakia
FL Liechtenstein S Sweden TR Turkey
G Greece SF Finland
I Italy UK United Kingdom

Type codes for organisations

EDU.1 Nursery school
EDU.2 Primary school
EDU.3 Secondary school (general/vocational)
EDU.4 Higher education institution
EDU.5 Adult or continuing education provider
ASS.1 Non-profit association (regional / national)
ASS.2 Non-profit association (international)
ASS.3 Groups of universities
RES Research institute
PUB.1 Public authority (local)
PUB.2 Public authority (regional)
PUB.3 Public authority (national)
IND Private company (manufacturing)
SER Private company (services)
OTH Other type of organisation

List of subject area codes


01.0 Agricultural sciences
01.1 Agriculture
01.2 Agricultural Economics
01.3 Food Science and Technology
01.4 Horticulture
01.5 Fisheries
01.6 Forestry
01.7 Animal Husbandry
01.8 Tropical/Subtropical Agriculture
01.9 Others – Agricultural Sciences


02.0 Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning
02.1 Architecture
02.2 Interior Design
02.3 Urban Planning
02.4 Regional Planning
02.5 Landscape Architecture
02.6 Transport and Traffic Studies
02.9 Others – Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning


03.0 Art and Design
03.1 Fine Art (Painting, Sculpture, Printmaking)
03.2 Music and Musicology
03.3 Performing Arts
03.4 Photography, Cinematography
03.5 Design (Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Fashion, Textile)
03.6 History of Art
03.9 Others – Art and Design


04.0 Business Studies, Management Science
04.1 Business Studies with languages
04.2 Business Studies with technology
04.3 Accountancy, Financial Management
04.4 Tourism, Catering, Hotel Management
04.5 Industrial Relations and Personnel Management
04.6 Secretarial Studies
04.7 Marketing and Sales Management
04.9 Others – Business Studies, Management Science


05.0 Education, Teacher Training
05.1 Teacher Training
05.2 Primary Education
05.3 Secondary Education
05.4 Vocational and Technical Education
05.5 Adult Education
05.6 Special Education
05.7 Educational Science, Comparative Education
05.8 Educational Psychology
05.9 Others – Education, Teacher Training

06.0 Engineering, Technology
06.1 Mechanical Engineering
06.2 Electrical Engineering
06.3 Chemical Engineering
06.4 Civil Engineering
06.5 Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications
06.6 Manufacturing Sciences (including CAD, CAM, CAE)
06.7 Materials Science
06.8 Aeronautical Engineering
06.9 Others – Engineering, Technology


07.0 Geography, Geology
07.1 Geography
07.2 Environmental Sciences, Ecology
07.3 Geology
07.4 Soil and Water Sciences
07.6 Geodesy, Cartography, Remote Sensing
07.7 Meteorology
07.9 Others – Geography, Geology


08.0 Humanities
08.1 Philosophy
08.2 Theology
08.3 History
08.4 Archaeology
08.9 Others – Humanities


09.0 Languages and Philological Sciences
09.1 Modern EC Languages
09.2 General and comparative literature
09.3 Linguistics
09.4 Translation, Interpretation
09.5 Classical Philology
09.6 Non-EC Languages
09.8 Less Widely Taught Languages
09.9 Others – Languages and Philological Sciences

10 LAW

10.0 Law
10.1 Comparative Law, Law with Languages
10.2 International Law
10.3 Civil Law
10.4 Criminal Law, Criminology
10.5 Constitutional /Public Law
10.6 Public Administration
10.7 European Community/EU Law
10.9 Others – Law


11.0 Mathematics, Informatics
11.1 Mathematics
11.2 Statistics
11.3 Informatics, Computer Science
11.4 Artificial Intelligence
11.5 Actuarial Science
11.9 Others – Mathematics, Informatics

12.0 Medical Sciences
12.1 Medicine
12.2 Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology
12.3 Dentistry
12.4 Veterinary Medicine
12.5 Pharmacy
12.6 Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy
12.7 Public Health
12.8 Medical Technology
12.9 Others – Medical Sciences


13.0 Natural Sciences
13.1 Biology
13.2 Physics
13.3 Chemistry
13.4 Microbiology, Biotechnology
13.5 Nuclear and High Energy Physics
13.6 Biochemistry
13.7 Astronomy, Astrophysics
13.8 Oceanography
13.9 Others – Natural Sciences


14.0 Social Sciences
14.1 Political Science
14.2 Sociology
14.3 Economics
14.4 Psychology and Behavioural Sciences
14.5 Social Work
14.6 International Relations, European Studies, Area Studies
14.7 Anthropology
14.8 Development Studies
14.9 Others – Social Sciences


15.0 Communication and Information Sciences
15.1 Journalism
15.2 Radio/TV Broadcasting
15.3 Public Relations, Publicity, Advertising
15.4 Library Science
15.5 Documentation, Archiving
15.6 Museum Studies, Conservation
15.9 Others – Communication and Information Sciences


16.0 Other Areas of Study
16.1 Physical Education, Sport Science
16.2 Leisure Studies
16.3 Home Economics, Nutrition
16.4 Nautical Science, Navigation
16.9 Others in Other Areas of Study


SOCRATES/ERASMUS National Agencies in eligible countries

BELGIË (Vlaamse Gemeenschap)

Flemish SOCRATES-agency
Hendrik. Consciencegebouw – Toren 7A
Koning Albert II - laan, 15
BE-1210 Brussel
Tel. (+32-2)553 98 13
Fax: (+32-2) 553 98 05/45

BELGIQUE (Communauté française)

Agence francophone belge Erasmus
Place du Parc 20
B-7000 Mons
Tel: (+32) 65 37.36.60/61
Fax: (+32) 65 37 36 62

BELGIEN (Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft)

Agentur für Europäische Bildungprogramme
Hütte (Quartum Center) 79/Bk28
BE-4700 Eupen
Tel : (+32) 87 56.82.10/11


SOCRATES/ERASMUS Coordination Unit
Kimonos and Thoukydidou Str.
CY-1434 Nicosia
Tel.: (+357-22).80 06 17
Fax: (+357-22) 42 75 60/82 68


U Lužického semináře, 13
CZ-118 00 Praha 1- Mála Strana
Tel. (+420-2)57 53 05 04
Fax: (+420 2) 57 53 24 07


Fiolstraede, 44
DK-1171 Copenhagen K
Tel. (+45-33)95 70 00
Fax: (+ 45 33) 95 70 01


Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
Kennedyallee, 50/Postfach 200804
DE-53175 Bonn
Tel. (+49-228) 88.22.77
Fax: (+49 228) 88 25 55


State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y)
Lyssicratous, 14
GR-105 58 Athens
Tel. (+30-1) 0 372.63.06
Fax: (+ 30 1) 0 331.27.59


Agencia Española Erasmus
Consejo de Universidades
Cuidad Universitaria s/n
ES-28040 Madrid
Tel. (+34-91)453-98 00
Fax: + 34 91 506.56.89


Foundation Archimedes, Socrates Estonian NA
Kohtu, 6
EE-10130 Tallinn
Tel. (+372) 730 03 25
Fax: (+ 372) 730 03 36


Agence Socrates-France
Place de la Bourse, 10
FR-33080 Bordeaux Cedex
Tel. (+33 5)
Fax: (+33 5) 56 79 44 21


Higher Education Authority - Erasmus
3rd Floor, Marine House
Clanwilliam Court
IRL- Dublin 2
Tel. (+353-1) 661.27.48
Fax: (+ 353 1) 661 04 92


Agenzia Nazionale SOCRATES Italia
Settore Erasmus
Sede di Roma
Via delle Montagne Rocciose, 60
00144 ROMA
Tel.: +39-06-5421.0483
Fax: (+ 39-055) 238 03 30


Academic Programme Agency
Valnu iela, 2
LV-1050 Riga
Tel. (+371-7) 22 39 83
Fax: (+371-7) 82 01 71


EU Socrates Programme Co-ordination Support Foundation
Geležinio Vilko, 12
LT-2600 Vilnius
Tel. (+8-22)222 481
Fax: (+8-22)223 364




Centre de Documentation et d'Information pour les Etudes Supérieures
Route de Longwy, 280
L-1940 Luxembourg
Tel. (+352)45 64 64 / 45 66 05
Fax: (+ 352) 45 56 56


Socrates Co-ordinating Committee Europan Union Programmes Unit (EUPO)
c/o Socrates Office
Administration Building- University of Malta
Msida, MSD 06, Malta
Tel. (+356)32 90 22 04
Fax: (+356) 21 32 38 07


Dutch National Agency for Socrates
Kortenaerkade 11/Postbus 29777
NL-2502 LT Den Haag
Tel. (+31-70)426.02.60
Fax: (+ 31 70) 426 02 59


Büro für Europäische Bildungskooperation
Schreyvogelgasse, 2
A-1010 Wien
Tel. (+43-1) 534 08 24
Fax: (+ 43 1) 534 08 20


Agencja Krajowa Programu Socrates/Erasmus
ul. Mokotowska, 43
PL-00-551 Warszawa
Tel. (+48 22) 629 77 79
Fax: (+48 22) 622 37 10


Agência Nacional para os Programas Comunitários SÓCRATES e LEONARDO DA VINCI
Av. D. João II, lote
Edifício Administrativo da Parque Expo
1 Andar - Ala B
PT-1990-096 Lisboa
Tel. (+351 21) 891 99 08
Fax: (+ 351 21) 891 99 29


SAAIC - SOCRATES National Agency
Stare grunty, 52
SK-842 44 Bratislava 4
Tel. (+421-2)
Fax: (+421-2) 65 42 44 83/02.64


EU Programmes Agency
OB Zeleznici, 16
SLO-1000 Ljubljana
Tel. (+386-1)58 64 233
Fax: (+386 1) 58 64 231

CIMO-Centre for International Mobility
Juha Ketolainen
Hakaniemenkatu, 2 / P.O. Box 343
SF-00531 Helsinki
Tel. (+358-9)77 47 7034
Fax: (+358 9) 77 47 70 64


International Programme Office for Education and Training
Box 22007
S - 104 22 Stockholm
Tel. (+46-8)453 72 35
Fax: (+ 46 8) 453 72 01


UK – Socrates-Erasmus Council
Research and Development Building
The University of Canterbury
Tel. (+44-1227)76 27 12
Fax: (+ 44 1227) 76 27 11


Office of International Education, Socrates NA Iceland
Neshaga, 16
IS-107 Reykjavik
Tel. (+354) 525 58 51
Fax: (+ 354) 525 58 50


Socrates NA Liechtenstein
Schulamt des Fürstentums Liechtenstein
Herrengasse, 2
LI-9490 Vaduz
Tel. (+423 75)236.67.58
Fax: (+ 423 75) 236 67 71


SIU-Universitets- og hogskoleradet
(Centre for International University Cooperation)
Norwegian Council for Higher Education
Harald Hårfagresgate, 20
Postboks 7800
NO-5020 Bergen
Tel. (+47-55) 54 67 00
Fax: (+ 47 55) 54 67 21


Bulgarian Socrates National Agency
National Coordination Unit of “Socrates II” Programme within the Human Resource Development Center
15, Graf Ignatiev Srt.
BG-1000 Sofia
Tel. (+359-2)70-41 82
Fax: (+359 2) 971 34 57




Agentia Nationala SOCRATES
Bd. Schitu Magureanu,1, floor 2, sector 5
RO-70626 Bucharest
Tel. (+40-1)311.35.05
Fax: (+40 1) 311 35 00


Necatibey Cad. No: 108 Bakanliklar
Tel. (+90-312) 231 0269
Fax: (+90-312) 294 6477


Model BILATERAL AGREEMENT form for the academic year 2005/2006

(name and ERASMUS ID code of the institution)

contact person (name, address, phone, fax, E-mail)
(name and ERASMUS ID code of the institution)

contact person (name, address, phone, fax, E-mail)
full legal name of the institutions in their national languages and ERASMUS ID codes

The above parties agree to co-operate in the SOCRATES/ERASMUS activities shown below. Both parties agree to abide by the principles and conditions set out in the SOCRATES Guidelines for Applicants, the ERASMUS application forms for the academic year 2004/2005 and, if the application is successful, the financial agreement. Both parties undertake to abide by the bilaterally agreed terms of this co-operation agreement.

SM: student mobility

ERASMUS subject area Level Country Total number
Code Name Under-graduate Post-graduate Doctorate From To Students Student months
(= sum)



TM: teaching staff mobility

Subject area code Topic(s) taught Name of the staff member Home country Host country Duration in number of weeks Number of teaching hours per week



Signatures of the heads of institutions / legal representatives of both institutions:

Name of institution:

Name and status of the official representative:

Name of institution:

Name and status of the official representative:

Signature: Signature:


Oficiul National al Burselor de Studii in Strainatate
Va aducem la cunostinta urmatoarele oferte de burse pentru anul universitar 2005-2006:
Oferta de burse de studii a Guvernului Statului Israel pentru anul universitar 2005-2006, in cadrul programului bilateral de colaborare in domeniile educatiei, culturii si stiintei, si anume:
3 burse pentru studii universitare (studenti in ani terminali), stagii de specializare, studii postuniversitare sau de doctorat, cu durata de 8 luni fiecare
Conditii de participare la concurs:
o Sa aiba pana in 35 de ani;
o Sa prezinte scrisoarea oficiala de confirmare a primirii la studii din partea unei institutii din Israel;
o Sa prezinte certificate de cunoastere a limbii engleze sau ebraice.
Bursele se acorda cu prioritate tinerilor care prezinta proiecte de cercetare cu teme iudaice sau israeliene.
2 burse pentru cursuri de vara
Termenul de depunere a dosarelor complete de candidatura, conform dosarelor de candidatura in acord bilateral, la Registratura Ministerului Educatiei si Cercetarii este 25.11.2004.
Informatii suplimentare la: www.burse.edu.ro .
Oferta unilaterala a Guvernului Republicii Cehe pentru anul universitar 2005-2006:
1 bursa studii universitare sau postuniversitare:
program de studiu de 3-4 ani destinat mai ales pregatirii profesionale (the Bachelor’s study programme) care se incheiei cu un examen de stat in cadrul caruia, de regula, se sustine o lucrare de absolvire si/sau
program de studii cu o durata standard de 4-6 ani (the Magister’s study programme) avand cu precadere caracter teoretico-stiintific, care se incheiei cu sustinerea examenului de stat si a lucrarii de diploma. Daca cel de-al doilea program se afla in continuarea primului program durata studiilor este de 2-3 ani – pentru acest program se pot inscrie candidati absolventi de studii universitare cu diploma de licenta.
1 bursa de studii postuniversitare de doctorat cu durata standard de 3 ani. Se pot inscrie licentiati cu diploma de studii aprofundate / master sau studenti in an terminal la studii aprofundate / master.
Studiile universitare si postuniversitare sunt precedate de o perioada de invatare a limbii cehe cu durata de 2 semestre, dupa care candidatul urmeaza sa sustina examenul de admitere la programul de studii la facultatea / specializarea solicitata; nu se accepta solicitari privind transferarea la alte specializari.
Bursele sunt destinate cu prioritate in urmatoarele domenii de studii: tehnic, energetic, mediu ambiant, economie, management.
Termenul de depunere a dosarelor de candidatura, conform dosarelor de candidatura in acord bilateral, (documente in limba romana si in limba ceha) la Registratura M.Ed.C. este de 25.11.2004, cu mentiunea “oferta unilaterala Cehia 2005-2006” pe coperta si in formularul tip.
Informatii suplimentare la www.burse.edu.ro .
Oferta Ambasadei Regale a Norvegiei pentru anul universitar 2005-2006, in cadrul programului bilateral de colaborare in domeniile culturii, educatiei si cercetarii, si anume :
18 luni-bursa pentru studii universitare partiale sau stagii de cercetare.
Conditii de participare:
Sa aiba pana in 40 de ani;
Sa prezinte scrisoarea oficiala de confirmare a primirii la studii din partea unei institutii din Norvegia;
Sa prezinte certificat de cunoasterea a limbii engleze sau norvegiene.
burse pentru cursuri de vara la Universitatea din Oslo
Termenul de depunere a dosarelor complete de candidatura, conform dosarelor de candidatura in acord bilateral, la Registratura Ministerului Educatiei si Cercetarii este 10.01.2005.
Informatii suplimentare la www.burse.edu.ro
Oferta de burse de studii a Institutului Suedez in cadrul Programului „Guest Scholarships for Advanced Academic Studies or Research in sweden 2005/06”, si anume:
burse pentru studii postuniversitare - master, stagii de cercetare sau studii postdoctorale
Durata maxima a studiilor este de 3 ani. In general, stagiile au o durata de 9 luni.
Bursele se acorda pentru toate domeniile de studii, cu exceptia limbii suedeze.
Conditii de participare:
Sa nu fie rezident permanent in Suedia, sa nu aiba permis de munca si sa nu fi locuit in Suedia mai mult de doi ani inainte de anul universitar 2005-2006;
Sa prezinte scrisoarea oficiala de confirmare a primirii la studii din partea unei institutii din Suedia;
Sa prezinte certificat de cunoasterea a limbii engleze si/sau suedeze.
Inforamtii privind continutul dosarelor de candidatura si formulare de inscriere se obtin la website: www.studyinsweden.se
Pentru stagii de cercetare sau studii postdoctorale de candidatura se transmit la:
Swedish Institute
Box 7434
SE - 103 91 Stockholm, SWEDEN
Fax +46 8 20 72 48
Website: www.si.se
Pentru studii postuniversitare - master (Master`s Level Programme) dosarele de candidatura se transmit direct la universitatile care confirma primirea la studii.
Oferta de burse de studii a Ministerului Invatamantului din Republica Azerbaidjan pentru anul universitar 2005-2006, in cadrul programului bilateral de colaborare in domeniul invatamantului, si anume:
3 burse pentru studii universitare complete sau studii postuniversitare
2 burse pentru studii de doctorat
30 luni/bursa pentru stagii de specializare stiintifica, fractionabile pe o durata de 3-9 luni/persoana
Pentru studii universitare complete, postuniversitare sau de doctorat, persoanele care nu cunosc limba statului primitor, vor fi inscrise la cursuri pregatitoare de limba, forma fara plata.
Pentru stagii de specializare se soclicita cunoasterea limbii azere sau a unei limbi de circulatie internationala: engelza, franceza, germana, rusa.
Termenul de depunere a dosarelor complete de candidatura, conform dosarelor de candidatura in acord bilateral, la Registratura Ministerului Educatiei si Cercetarii este 15.11.2004.
Informatii suplimentare la www.burse.edu.ro

Cu stima,
Marian Stancu
Cum sa obtin o bursa in SUA?
Probleme financiare, burse, $$$
Acest domeniu este foarte complex. Exista mai multe moduri de a face rost de bani pentru a achita costurile de facultate anuale ( in general este vorba cam de $ 40000 pe an cu totul). Aproape toate facultatile americane ofera Financial Aid--un ajutor financiar pentru cei ce nu pot sa isi permita sa plateasca pentru educatia proprie. Exista patru facultati unde nevoia ta de a prmi bani de la facultate nu iti va afecta sansele de admitere: Harvard, Yale,Princeton si Williams. La aceste facultati o data ce vei fi admis, vei trimite niste adeverinte aratand cat castiga parintii tai si vei primi--fara dar si poate--toti banii de care vei avea nevoie pentru a studia patru ani in state. Admisia se numeste "need-blind" adica nevoia ta de bani nu este luata in considerare in procesul de admitere. Reversul medaliei esteca aceste universitati bogate in fonduri sunt cele mai competitive universitati din lume si ca va trebui sa ai note aproape perfecte, eseuri de neuitat, si activitati interesante pentru a fi admis.
Celelalte facultati americane iau in considerare nevoia ta de bani in procesul de admitere (in cazul in care nu esti rezident american, ceea ce presupun ca nu este cazul). Asadar, universitati precum Columbia, Georgetown, Cornel, Stanford, Brown, Middlebury, UPenn, MIT, Brandeis, Oberlin etc, vor avea numai un numar fix de burse pentru studenti internationali (=non-americani) care vor fi oferite celor mai buni. Numarul difera de la facultate la facultate, dar bursele nu sunt asa de greu de obtinut cum suna. Procesul de admitere este acelasi la toate, doar ca va trebui sa trimiteti formularele de inscriere impreuna cu declaraia de venituri globala a familiei tale in acelasi dosar.
Mai exista un grup foarte restrans de facultati care nu ofera nici un fel de burse penrtu studenti internationali si unde va trebui sa va procurati singuri fondurile. Avantajul este ca este mult mai usor ca student international sa intrati la aceste universitati intrucat concurenta este mult mai mica. De exemplu NYU New York University nu ofera nici un fel de ajutor financiar pentru studenti internationali.
Aici aveti o lista cu scolile care dau SIGUR foarte multe burse pentru studenti internationali (incluzand romani). Toate ofera burse complete incluzand pana si biletul de avion pentru a ajunge in state! In general adresa de web a universitatii este www.numeleuniversitatii.edu
Universitati care dau burse la mai mult de 150 de studenti internationali

Arizona State University (AZ)
Barry University (FL)
Clark Univ. (MA)
Eastern Michigan Univ. (MI)
Harding Univ. (AR)
Harvard (MA)
Illinois Inst. of Tech. (IL) Liberty Univ. (VA)
Louisiana State Univ. (LA)
Macalester College (MN)
Marquette Univ. (WI)
Mount Holyoke College (MA)
Ohio Wesleyan Univ. (OH) Princeton (NJ)
Univ. of Bridgeport (CT)
Univ. of Houston (TX)
Univ. of Pennsylvania (PA)
Univ. of South Florida (FL)
Universitati care dau burse intre 100 si 149 de studenti

rown Univ. (RI)
Calvin College (MI)
College of Wooster (OH)
Dartmouth (NH)
Dordt College (IA)
Eckerd College (FL)
Florida Inst. of Tech. (FL)
Georgia Southern Univ. (GA) Graceland College (IA)
Luther College (IA)
Middlebury College (VT)
Northeast Louisiana (LA)
Oberlin (OH)
Savannah Coll. of Art (GA)
Slippery Rock Univ. (PA)
Smith College (MA) Stanford (CA)
Texas Christian Univ. (TX)
Tri-State Univ. (IN)
Univ. of Miami (FL)
Univ. of Rochester (NY)
Yale (CT)
Universitati care dau intre 50 si 99 de burse

ilene Christian Univ. (TX)
Allegheny College (PA)
Augsburg College (MN)
Beloit College (WI)
Bethany College (WV)
Brandeis Univ. (MA)
Bryn Mawr College (PA)
California Lutheran (CA)
Cleveland Inst. of Music (OH)
Colby College (ME)
Columbia Univ. (NY)
Concordia Coll. (MN)
Cornell Univ. (NY)
Denison Univ. (OH)
Franklin & Marshall (PA) George Wash. Univ. (DC)
Goshen College (IN)
Grinnell College (IA)
Houghton College (NY)
Ithaca College (NY)
Julliard School (NY)
Knox College (IL)
Lake Forest College (IL)
Lawrence Univ. (WI)
Lewis & Clark (OR)
Lynn Univ. (FL)
Maharishi Intl. Univ. (IA)
Monmouth College (IL)
North Park Univ. (IL)
Principia College (IL) Rochester Inst. of Tech. (NY)
St. Augustine's College (NC)
St. Johns College (MD)
St. Lawrence Univ. (NY)
St. Olaf College (MN)
Trinity College (CT)
Tulane Univ. (LA)
Univ. of Maine (ME)
Univ. of Wisc./Eau Clair (WI)
US International Univ. (CA)
Washington College (MD)
Washington Univ. (MO)
Wesleyan Univ. (CT)
Western Maryland Coll. (MD)
Wittenberg Univ. (OH)
Universitati cu burse intre 15-49 pentru studenti internationali

Albright College (PA)
Amherst College (MA)
Augustana College (IL)
Bard College (NY)
Bates College (ME)
Bennington College (VT)
Bowdoin College (ME)
CalTech (CA)
Central College (IA)
Coe College (IA)
Colgate Univ. (NY)
Davidson College (NC)
Dickinson College (PA)
Earlham College (IN)
Eastern Nazarene (MA) Elizabethtown College (PA)
Elmira College (NY)
Gettysburg College (PA)
Gustavas Adolphus Coll. (MN)
Hamilton College (NY)
Hampshire College (MA)
Hood College (MD)
Kalamazoo College (MI)
Kenyon College (OH)
Lafayette College (PA)
Messiah College (PA)
Michigan State Univ. (MI)
Mount Union College (OH)
Occidental College (CA)
Spalding Univ. (KY) Swarthmore College (PA)
Taylor Univ. (IN)
Thomas Aquinas Coll. (CA)
Troy State Univ. (AL)
Univ. of Chicago (IL)
Univ. of Colorado/Bldr (CO)
Univ. of Oregon (OR)
Univ. of St. Thomas (MN)
Univ. of the South (TN)
Vassar College (NY)
Wabash College (IN)
Wellesley College (MA)
West Virginia Wesleyan (WV)
William Smith College (NY)
Williams College (MA)

Cu stima,
Marian Stancu
pe site se gasesc burse in strainatate
poti sa zici in articol ca o sa pui in fiecare numar sa zicem 10 sau 20 de burse...si tu sa le iei de pe site-ul asta
eventual sa iti ceara ei si tu sa le cauti ca sa ai si un schimb de replici cu studentii...sa te simta aproape...
pe site e un motor de cautare dupa tara, materia de studiu (sute de materii) si limba de studiu

Cu stima,
Marian Stancu

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